Meet The Company
LGRC was set up in 2014 by a team of very experienced local councils sector specialists who are passionate about how Town, Parish and Community councils can manage their affairs and deliver community services to the highest standards within generally tight budgets and economic constraints.
Our vision is to provide support to local councils, working in partnership with established sector bodies such as the SLCC, NALC, and the CALCs, to achieve excellence in all aspects of internal management and the delivery of a full (and expanding) range of council services.
Our values
Our Vision
Strategies To Meet
Community Needs
Our aim is to help you understand what your community really needs and wants, and then to develop short and long term plans to meet these expectations. Underpinning these will be effective discussions with all the groups you represent, and considering alternative approaches to meeting your goals.
Best Practice
Governance and Skills
We strive to ensure that you meet current statutory requirements, your governance processes are fit for purpose and your audit risks minimised. We understand the skills and knowledge Councillors and Staff will need for you to be effective in these areas, and the best structures to enable you to deliver on your plans.
Cost-effectiveService Delivery
In times of financial constraint you need to know that you are avoiding waste wherever possible and making the best use of your resources. LGRC appraisals can pay for themselves over and over again in identifying new efficiencies and service innovations. Different ways of working can free up time and money to use on valued projects.
Our Skills
How We Work
For consultancy and outsourced services, we provide services which are tailored to your specific needs and timescale. Our training services include both regular,
scheduled courses on a range of topics, or we can design training programmes or courses to meet the specific needs of your Council.